Jewish Studies
The Jewish studies program offers a major and minor.
Students majoring in religion studies will be expected to develop broad expertise, reflecting the geographical and typological diversity that characterizes the religions of the world.
The advising process will direct students to distribute courses among the department’s offerings to include at least three areas of study from the following:
India/South Asia
*Courses with other prefixes (including but not limited to JST) can count towards the major with prior approval.
This project is designed for religion studies majors who have consistently proven to be excellent students. It offers them the opportunity to pursue a self-designed major research and analysis thesis, in close consultation with a faculty member.
The project will normally be undertaken in either semester of the Senior year. Students who wish to complete the honors thesis in religion studies must have a 3.5 grade point average in departmental courses and a 3.3 grade point average overall.
A written proposal for this project must be approved by a faculty member in religion studies in the semester prior to the one in which the thesis will be completed. The proposal must consist of a working thesis, a detailed description of the project, and a tentative bibliography.
The culmination of the project will be a presentation for faculty and students at the end of the term. Department faculty will determine whether Honors will be awarded upon completion of the thesis.
The Jewish studies program offers a major and minor.
The Asian studies program offers a minor.