Church Globalization Discussion At Muhlenberg

The Muhlenberg College Center for Ethics and Office of the Chaplain will sponsor “Go Ye Therefore: One Church’s Experience with Globalization,” a panel discussion about Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) efforts around the world, Monday, February 3, 7:30 p.m., in Miller Forum, Moyer Hall, at Muhlenberg College.

 Monday, January 20, 2003 11:21 AM

The Muhlenberg College Center for Ethics and Office of the Chaplain will sponsor “Go Ye Therefore: One Church’s Experience with Globalization,” a panel discussion about Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) efforts around the world, Monday, February 3, 7:30 p.m., in Miller Forum, Moyer Hall, at Muhlenberg College. The discussion is free and open to the public. Panelists include Rev. Kim Erno, director of ELCA programs at The Lutheran Center in Mexico City, Mexico; Charles Mohn of the ELCA Companion Synod Program, which links Lutheran synods in the U.S. with synods around the world; Rev. C. Michael Peters, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Robesonia, Pa., Vietnam veteran and former missionary in Japan; Rev. Elizabeth Senft, who recently served as director of church relations for the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service; Dr. Erika Sutherland, assistant professor of Spanish at Muhlenberg College, who works with Allentown Spanish-speaking immigrants through the Lutheran congregation of San Martin to Porres; and Dr. Kathryn Wolford, president of Lutheran World Relief.

The panel discussion is part of a three-day event and is a companion program to the Center for Ethics’ 2002-03 series, “Patriotism in a Global Era: The Boundaries of Home.”