Muhlenberg College President Elected to NAICU Board of Trustees

Dr. Peyton “Randy” Helm, president of Muhlenberg College, has been elected to sit on the board of trustees for the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.

 Thursday, January 17, 2008 01:59 PM

He will be formally ratified on February 6th by the NAICU membership during their annual meeting in Washington D.C.

Helm will serve a three year term for the NAICU who act as the leading national representative for private higher education.  They serve to unify nearly 1,000 independent college and university presidents as well as executives from specialized, state and regional associations.

“Dr. Peyton R. Helm was selected by his peers because of his expertise in the field, proven leadership, and commitment to America’s college students,” said NAICU President David L. Warren. “He assumes his responsibilities at a time of great challenge and transformation for American higher education.”

While on the board, Helm will help the NAICU establish their agenda on federal higher education policy. He will also help oversee the financial administration and actively promote various NAICU sponsored priorities and initiatives.  

NAICU’s president David L. Warren listed “federal budget deficit, growing student financial need, increasingly competitive global economy, and today’s culture of accountability” as key issues Helm will face during his time on the NAICU board.

Before taking his current position as president of Muhlenberg College, Helm held advancement positions at Colby College and the University of Pennsylvania. 

Helm is a graduate of Yale University and holds a doctoral degree from the University of Pennsylvania.