Register Now for Fall II Courses at the Wescoe School

Registration has begun for Fall II classes at The Wescoe School of Muhlenberg College.

 Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:22 AM

Classes begin on October 20 and will be offered on both weeknights and Saturdays.

Courses include: Human Evolution; Principles of Microeconomics; American Writers; Hero and Outcast in Ancient World; Theories of Human Nature; and Buddhist Traditions.

Registration will be accepted until the first day of classes. Advisors are available to assist prospective and current students. For more information about these sessions or any of the Wescoe programs: bachelor’s and associate’s degrees, major certificates, traditional or accelerated study, teacher certification, financial aid opportunities, tuition reimbursement, veterans benefits and more, please call 484-664-3300 or visit