The Muhlenberg Academic Review (MAR) is a peer-reviewed academic journal showcasing original scholarly work written by Muhlenberg undergraduate students within and across all disciplines. MAR was resurrected from a combination of past academic journals in Spring 2017 by the officers from the Muhlenberg chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society. Our purpose is to engage with our community’s pluralism, creating conversations between works, disciplines, and departments. MAR seeks to recognize excellence and encourage innovative undergraduate work through a peer-reviewed journal. As such, MAR accepts work from all facets of our academic community so long as it meets our rigorous standards. In that way, we believe MAR embodies the liberal arts’ aspiration, and like the ocean, to which its name also alludes, MAR’s purpose is to turn the tide towards an overall more engaged and open-minded academic student body.

We accept student-written essays in from all academic disciplines, single or multiple authors, as well as essays written in languages other than English. Please see the Muhlenberg Academic Review website for more information on submission guidelines.

MAR 2024 Deadline - Monday, March 4, 2024


Francesca Coppa

Professor of English, Department Chair
Address Muhlenberg College English 2400 Chew Street Allentown, PA 18104