The Office of Corporate, Foundation & Government Relations is here to assist you with your proposal preparation. The links below provide you with information, helpful hints and templates but please don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance or additional information. 

Guidelines for Submissions

Proposals for grants for external funding that will be administered by Muhlenberg College (funds are paid to and disbursed by the College) and/or grants for fellowship opportunities (funds are paid to the faculty member) must be reviewed and approved before they are submitted to the funding agency. Please follow the steps listed below to prepare, receive internal approvals and submit your proposal.

  1. Notify the CFGR office of your intent to submit as soon as possible – even if you eventually decide not to proceed. Please include a link to the program announcement or request for proposal in your initial email.
  2. Begin a project budget using one of the templates provided in the "Preparing Your Budget" section below.
  3. If another institution will be collaborating on the grant/program please provide the appropriate grant contact information at the institution to the CFGR office as soon as possible.
  4. Schedule a meeting with CFGR to review your timeline for proposal development and submission.

We have also included a Proposal Worksheet that may assist in developing your proposals.

Institutional Information for Grant Applications

We have provided some links to resources that supply you with information about the College that may be required in some of your grant applications. 

The Strategic Plan

The Muhlenberg College Source Book

Board of Trustees

Budget Preparation Templates

The following are two templates that we have prepared for your use in preparing preliminary budgets for projects that you may be considering. 

The first template is for a general program/project budget that can assist you in developing an expense plan for your program or project. Please access the general grant budget template here.

The second template is for developing a budget that would be specific to an NSF, NIH or other federally funded program. Please access the federal grant budget template here.

As you are working on developing your budgets we would invite you to discuss them with us so that we can offer you any assistance that you might need.