Chapel worship includes scripture, preaching, music from around the world, and weekly celebration of Holy Communion. Worship is led by students, the College Chaplain, and the Chapel musicians. The Chapel community also offers opportunities for local community service, leadership, fellowship and study.

No matter what your Christian denomination or faith community background is, you are very welcome at Chapel services. Muhlenberg students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and local community members, young and old are welcome.

“We believe God made all creation and called it good, and therefore we welcome the belovedness of all people in the fullness of their identities at the intersections of race, gender, ability, and romantic and sexual orientation.

But we also know we are a broken community.

We seek wholeness together by faithfully engaging in challenging conversations that draw us to a fuller relationship with God and one another in the way of Jesus.

We are committed to continually striving to be boldly antiracist and both affirming and embracing of our LGBTQIA+ community in our ministry, our actions, and our relationships with others. We welcome all to join us in this journey of faith in the shadow of the cross and the promise of the empty tomb.”

Weekly non-denominational worship service is held on Sunday at 5pm followed by Fellowship Dinner. (when students are on campus)