Muhlenberg College Smoke, Tobacco and Nicotine-Free Campus Policy

Purpose​: Muhlenberg College (the “College”) acknowledges and supports the findings of the Surgeon General of the United States that active or passive use of tobacco, as​ well as the ingredients and chemicals commonly found in tobacco products, is a significant health hazard. The College further recognizes that environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Class-A carcinogen and that inhaling or ingesting nicotine can lead to an increased use of tobacco products. In light of these health risks, and in support of a safe and healthy learning and working environment, the College has set forth the following 100% ​Smoke, Tobacco and Nicotine-Free Campus Policy​ (“Policy”).

Definitions​: For the purposes of this Policy, “tobacco and nicotine products” are defined to include (1) any lighted or unlighted cigarette, clove, bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, juuls, vapor pens, pods, cigars, cigarillos, pipes or hookah products; (2) any other smoking product; and (3) any smokeless, spit or spitless, dissolvable, or inhaled tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to, dip, chew, snuff or snus, in any form (orbs, sticks, strips, pellet, etc.).

Application​: This Policy applies to all College faculty, staff, students, agents and contractors and all visitors, vendors and guests of the College. 

Prohibition​: The smoking or use of any tobacco and nicotine product (including but not limited to the use of e-cigarettes, juuls or other vaping devices) is prohibited (a) on and in all College property including College owned or leased residence halls, MILE Houses, academic buildings, administrative and other buildings, sidewalks, parking lots, landscaped areas and recreational areas; (b) at all lectures, conferences, meetings and social, athletic and cultural events held at the College; (c) in personal vehicles on College property; and (d) in all College owned or leased vehicles. All tobacco and nicotine products must be extinguished and properly disposed of prior to entering any College property.

Sale or Distribution: The sale or free distribution or sampling of any tobacco and nicotine product are prohibited in and on all College property and at all College-sponsored events. 


  • This Policy shall be included in the student, staff and faculty handbooks, new employee and student orientation programs and other campus documents where appropriate. The College shall post notices of this Policy in an effort to ensure that all of the College’s visitors, vendors and guests are aware of the Policy.
  • Violators of this Policy shall be issued a verbal reminder of the Policy. If the offense continues, a second verbal warning will be issued. If this warning is ignored, students, staff and faculty will be subject to discipline and possible sanctions in accordance with applicable College policies and contractors, vendors, visitors and guests may be asked to leave campus.
  • It is the responsibility of all members of the College community to establish and maintain a smoke-free/tobacco-free/nicotine-free campus environment. Each community member is responsible for monitoring compliance with this Policy. A campus telephone number and e-mail address will be provided to report violations.

Cessation​: Students, staff and faculty who want to stop using tobacco and nicotine products are encouraged to review the following information and resources:

Exceptions​: Products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for smoking cessation (i.e. nicotine patches, etc.) are not considered prohibited tobacco or nicotine products under this Policy. Note that e-cigarettes, juuls and other vaping devices have not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as smoking cessation products and, thus, are prohibited. 

Last Revised: 08/15/2019