Media & Communication

Evan LeVine
Anecdotes About Antidote

For almost one year now, Antidote Magazine, a burgeoning online music magazine that focuses on the efforts of independent artists worldwide, has seen its popularity swell with each monthly installment. As an associate editor, I have been intimately involved with the production process of each issue, from building a rapport with press links, assisting in arranging the magazine's layout, and writing and editing content. This semester, I have been working with Dr. Sue Curry Jansen to explore on an academic level my role as a media producer. As I encounter ethical dilemmas I take time to analyze the challenges that I face, in the hopes of drawing conclusions about my own life and my role as a contributor of mass media. Constructing each issue from inception to publication has broadened my understanding of the Communication field, and imparted in me a wealth of knowledge that I will continue to draw upon and expand in future endeavors. For the Honors Colloquium, I will be submitting my academic journal, which has become a haven for me to expound upon Communication-related concepts and expand my own intellectual evolution.