Media & Communication

Adam Cavanaugh
Campus Reflection of September 11th

After September 11, 2001, a group at Muhlenberg organized a peace rally on campus, and I was asked to cover the event for college television. I composed a fourteen-minute video documenting the rally and cut and faded my own footage with images and sounds I had collected for myself from mainstream media. At the time of editing my main goal was to make a video that looked and felt like something one might see in media outlets that we are all used to. What resulted was a contradiction between style and content. I realize that in allowing the images and flow of the video to narrate the story I had stumbled upon a question that I felt needed to be asked of the media coverage following September 11; what was being presented to us, but perhaps more importantly, what wasn't being presented to us?

In producing this video I have learned to be more aware of media content and the framing and context in which that content is presented.