• Academic Life - general concerns related to curriculum, faculty, class participation/attendance, etc
  • Dean of Students Office - general concerns related to individual student well-being and student life at the College 
  • Community Engagement - for information about off-campus resources
  • Counseling Services - to connect to supports for mental health on & off campus
  • Health Services - for physical health concerns (e.g., acute/chronic medical concerns, concussion management, gynecological services, etc)
  • Housing and Residence Life - for concerns related to residence hall rooms, housing when the College is closed, roommate concerns etc
  • Multicultural Life  support for students across various social identities, connections across identity groups or issues related to equity/inclusion at the College
  • International Student Life - for issues related to visa status, times when College is closed and individual international student concerns
  • CARE Team - any individual student concerns for health, mental health or other issues of well-being or personal hardship
  • Disability Services - for student accommodations and support services related to documented disabilities